Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of team and individual teaching Article

Advantages and disadvantages of team and individual training - Article Example training in a team actually means a group of teachers, decisively works with each other on regular basis to further students in groups in order to acquire knowledge about various subjects. The instructors in team teaching cooperate with one another and make custom of the particular skills and abilities of each instructor. This approach of teaching boosts up the student-teacher interaction, allowing both of them to evaluate each other. Contradictory to individual teaching, the goals are set by the consensus of team members and the methods and strategies of teaching are also set by the line of reasoning among the group members, helping to bring about the best of it. (Judson T Shaplin Henry F Olds, 1964) The students whitethorn learn more profoundly by team teaching approach as more than one experts of the very topic defines it with a different approach. It helps to empathise the topic from various frame s of references. This approach helps to get rid of students-teacher personality problems. Presence of another team mate abates the yoke of work from the teachers and motivates them more towards their profession. Team working distributes the responsibility, encourages creativity, and brings effectiveness in teaching. (Medill Bair Richard G Woodward, 1964) However, sometimes this approach is not adapted by the experts. Since, groups are not every time as good as we assume them to be. Often, teachers do not prefer to teach in teams, due to different reasons.

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